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In making a diagnosis of chronic sinusitis in mass examination of patients various me-ans of approach, such as history taking, rout-ine nasal inspection, routine radiography and fluororoentgenography, were tested.
1) By history taking alone the diagnosis of chronic sinusitis is unreliable.
2) About one half of the total number in whom the sinus involvement was regar- ded to be slight by direct nasal inspec- tion showed the presence of chronic sin- usitis by x-ray examination.
3) In making mass examination fluoro- roentgenography proved valuable in esta blishing the diagnosis of chronic sinusitis.
4) The morbidity rate of sinusitis appeared to be 72.9% when x-ray alone was used in the diagnosis; 34.0% with direct na- sal inspections; and, 57.7% when all three methods were used in a combina- tion.

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