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欧米諸国における慢性鼻炎症の様相はわが国のそれと異なつているといわれているが1)2)3)4)同一人による系統的な彼我の比較ははなはだ稀である。著者の1人奥田は1961年秋より1963年春まで主としてカナダ,オーストリアに滞在し実際に欧米人の鼻を観察する機会を得た。従来述べられている如く欧米には化膿性鼻炎症が少く,アレルギー性のものが多いとか,欧米のそれは保存的治療で回復するなどのほかにいくつかの相違があるのを知つた。そしてそれがどんな原因によるのかに興味をもつた。そこで,1962年11月より1963年3月まで滞在したウィーン大学第一耳鼻咽喉科教室(主任Doz. K. Burian)で行つた患者,病歴,X線写真,組織標本の観察,鼻腔機能検査の成績を基に,オーストリアの他病院,スウェーデンのカロリンスカ研究所附属病院での著者の観察をつけ加えて,千葉大学医学部耳鼻咽喉科教室の成績と対比した。
A comparative study is made on chronic sinusitis found in the clinical records of the two Universities namely, the University of Vienna and University of Chiba. A close attention was given particularly, to the method of examination, the basis of diagnosis and the object of finding employed in each institution for a fair comparison. There seemed to be only 1/4 as many incidence of the present disease in Vienna as met with in Chiba. It was alsorevealed that in Vienna chronic sinusitis occureed without reference to age, involving more the maxillary sinus and being allergic in nature; less number of cases were operatedupon. These data were obtained by studies on X-ray pictures, microscopic specimens and case histories. The question as to why there were less cases of chronic sinusitis occuring in Vienna was studied from the standpoint of incidences in upper respiratory infections, nasal cavity functions and the status of Pneumratisation of the paranasal sinuses. There was a marked differences in the development of the frontal sinuses in the population of either locality. The authors stressed the necessity of further studies in differencs in food, weather and racial differences which may influence the rate of mordbidity.

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