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同時であれ,或いは時を異にするにせよ,1個体に2個以上の原発性悪性腫瘍の発生を見ることがある。今日我国でいわれている原発性重複癌というのはprimary multiple malignant tumorの訳語であるが,以下重複癌と記載する。この重複癌はまれな疾患ではあるが,しかし前世紀すでにBillroth(1879)がこれを記載している,本邦でもこの種の症例の報告は決して少なくないが,最近9年間に我が教室で経験した6症例を報告する。
Multiple primary carcinoma may be considered when cancers occur in various parts of the body of the same individual which in themselves are not metastatic growths of a singular origin. The authors have seen 6 cases of this type in the past 9 years. The combined areas were as follow: (1) Carcinoma of the rectum and maxilla. (2) Carcinoma of the stomach and larynx. (3. Carcinoma of the stomach, rectum and larynx. (4) Carcinoma of uterus and larynx. (5 Carcinoma of the thyroid gland and external ear canal. (6) Carcinoma of the maxilla and uterus. The average age of these patients were 59.6 years.

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