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On the basis of the consideration that the septal region, preoptic area and hypothalamus are closely related to each other with respect to their functions and fiber connections, they have been considered as a functional unit under the name of "Septo-preoptico-hypotha-lamic system" ("SPH-system"). The "SPH-system" has been divided into three areas: ar-ea parasympathica A (consisting of the septal region, preoptic periventricular stratum and hypothalamic periventricular stratum), area sympathica B.(the medial preoptic area and medial hypothalamic area) and area parasym-pathica C (the septal region, lateral preoptic area and lateral hypothalamic nucleus). Of these areas, area sympathica B is most clo-sely related to the vestibular nuclei via the dorsal longitudinal fasciculus, because both ascending and descending fibers of this fas-ciculus belonging to area sympathica B ter-minate partly in the vestibular nuclei and the vestibular nuclei send their axons to the dorsal longitudinal fasciculus. The vestibular components of the medial longitudinal fasci-culus also connect with the dorsal longitudi-nal fasciculus in the interstitial nucleus of Cajal and in the central gray substance of the midbrain. By these fiber connections between the vestibular nuclei and area sym-pathica B, the vestibular nuclei are supposed to produce sympathetic responses.

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