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Observations are made on 12 cases of positional nystagmus selected from a large number of cases of nystagmus and reported w ith a review of literature.
Vertical nystagmus is usually the result of cerebellar lesion or that of the brain stem ; it may be easily stimulated by changes in movement. In contrast to this is the rotatory nystagmus which is also stimulated by bodily movements but the nystagmus is the result of lesion in the vestiblar apparatus. However, the authors are not in a full accord to the concept that in vestibular lesions the particular nystagmus is towards side or the lesion when the patient lies in such a position to hold the affected side down.
Benign paroxysmal positional nystagmus may be divided into two general types, slightly affected and chronically affected. The period of affection of the former is ralatively short in duration and it may be easily re coveredbut the latter is much graver in its outlookand lasts longer in time.

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