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私は災害疾病及び職業病に於ける聴器障害の研究を行つてきたが,今回は一般感音性難聴の如くacoustic Traumaでも急性症として急性音響性聴器障害の存在することを明らかにし,これを一つの疾患名として取上げ明文化したので,その点を説明し御参考に資したいと思う。即ち対象として昭和29年4月より昭和33年6月迄の患者中より,爆発,圧搾空気等瞬間的原因を除いた純音響外傷170例を選び,急性と慢性症例との対比に於てその特徴を把握したのである。
The author considers acoustic injuries due to sound trauma excepting those having a transient effect, into two different categoris either, chronic or acute. The acute cases of this nature should be separated from what is known as occupational deafness and it was presented to the health insurance concern for a definite consideration.
As far as the symptoms of acute acoustic injury due to sound trauma occur with a definite place and time and with an indefinite exposure to occupational noise, the majority of cases are predisposed to syphilis or stenosis of the auditory tube. The deafness and tinitus aurium uasually occur unilaterally: perceptive deafness is rather rare. However, in making a diagnosis the individual sensit-iveness should be taken into a full con-sideration.

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