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A case of a large osteoma of frontal sinus is reported with a review of literature on other cases of similar nature. The patient was a girl, aged 15, who complained of no symptom excepting for a protrusion of the frontal region with a slight sensation of pre-ssure in that area. The tumor was revealed by X-ray examination : and by operation it was found to be arising from the base of frontal sinus pushing the sinus mucous me-mbrane downwards causing exposure of dura by gradual destruction of the posterior wall of the sinus cavity. Protrusion of the tumor mass was also found to be extending anteri-orly but its effect on the ocular fossa and ethmoidal cells were not seen. After the operation patient made an uneventful reco-very.
The tumor weighed 40 grams and it was composed chiefly of eburnated osteomatous tissue with a very small portion spongioid in nature.

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