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Nishihata advances arguments against the contentions of Iwamoto who maintains that, from latter's experience of 20 cases of fronto-ethmoidal sinusitis that required re-operation through the external route, that favorable results cannot be expected in the operation of frontal and ethmoidal sinuses when endo-nasal method alone is employed or even when permaxillary approach may be used supple-mentarily to it.
It must be said that Iwamoto is not quite fair in his opinion when he bases his argu-ments on facts which singular in results and failed to include those that resulted in cure by endonasal operations. It is a well estab-lished fact today, that majority of frontal sinusitis are cured by endonasal approach alone.
The author opposes Professor Goto's opinion in that the latter maintains the stream of air in expiration does not take a route through the inferior meatus particularly, because the discharge accumulated in the nasal floor can-not be properly removed by a forceful expi-ration, blowing. Even when Goto's observation may be true, it is no argument to the cont-rary because the nasal conditions upon which such observations were made were likely to have been pathological.

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