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most comfortable or uncomfortable loudness testは,古くRecruitment測定法としてのIsoloudness曲線測定の変形であり,元来1耳に於いて用い得るRecruitment検出法として発達したものであるが,近年Bangs and Mullinsが本法は最も簡単にして且つ確実性のあるRecruitment testであると発表してより,本邦に於いても漸く注目され始め,殊に新井氏等の推奨する所となつた。然し乍ら本法に於いて測定の対称とするmost comfortable又はuncomfortableという概念は,一体何を示し,中何によつて規定されるものであろうか。Recruitmentとの関係は一体何によつて示されるのであろうか。それらの点に関しては,この問題は未だ甚だしく漠然としている。
Tsuiki and Yumoto make evaluation of loudness test in the test for recruitment that may be brought to a level which may be either, the most comfortable or the most uncomfortable to patients tested. The subjects selecteb for this test included persons with normal ears as well as those with disease. The difference between the test being comfortable and that as not depends upon tne loudness of the stimulus. But it was found that loudness alone in not the sole criteria and the final interpretation on the results of recruitment test should be made with consideration of numerous factors that enter in the test.

Copyright © 1956, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.