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Hirabayashi reports a case of mastoiditis where no form of treatment was able to save the pa-tient from death. In the history of the case, a boy-aged 11, has been affected with cholesteatoma si-nce the age of 2. With infection added to this condition the patient rapidly developed intrac-ranial involvements, meningitis, cerebral abcess and destruction of contiguous cerebral tissues. The patient died on the 27th day of hospitaliza-tion after all possible means surgical and me-dical had been adopted for the case. Infecting organisms were found to be Proteus Morgani which by sensitivity test towards antibiotics proved to be resistant. The author states that, from the experienced gained from the present case, the use of antibiotics is definitely limited in their application and should not be wholly de-pended upon as something which might bring cure to all forms of infections.

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