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中耳根治手術後の創面治療の最終目的は,創面を完全に表皮で覆うにある事は疑問の餘地がないと思う。その目的のために,私達は屡々チールシユ氏植皮術(Thierschsche Transplantation)を行つて來ましたが,今迄の方法では大腿部から植皮片を採るので,耳の手術創の他にもう一つの手術創を造らねばならず,耳と大腿部の2つの創傷の手當をする面倒さが生じる。又之が患者に對して手術を2回行うと云う心理的負擔を與えるので行つた方が良いと思い乍らも遂に行わないで終ると云う事が多かつた。そこで私達はもつと簡單に植皮が出來ないかと考えたが,今度術創後方の頭部からチールシユ氏植皮片を取る事が最も簡單で,從來の方法よりすぐれていると云う事が分つたので茲に報告し,諸賢の御批判を仰ぎ度いと思う。
SUZUKI and associates in meeting require-ments of skin grafts after radical mastoidectom-ies devise a method by which Thiersh Graft is taken from the scalp instead of seeking it from remote areas as the thigh or other places. The technic of the method is described as follows: Previously shaved area of the scalp in close proximity of the operative field from which the grafts are to be obtained is anesthetized with subcutaneous injection of 0.5 percent novo-cain solution. The capilli in the grafts are washed away in physiological saline solution and after which the grafts are held immersed in, either, autoserum or, physiological saline solution ready for transplantation upon the ope-rated area. This method of transplantation can be repeated to meet any further require-ment; the results are favorable.

Copyright © 1953, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.