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MIYOJI NIHO reports the results of 100 cases of temporal bone infection, chronic otitis media, in which the treat rents consisted of exposing the cells of the petrous pyramid, to be as follows:(1) By age, the largest number upon whom the operation was performed were below 30 years; but, there were also children who were below 10 years of age (21%).
(2) By sex, 64 patients were males and 36 females.
(3) Depending upon the location of the lesion or involvement no single method of operation was sufficient to cope with the situation but often a combined methods that inter-grated those which were advanced by various authors were called upon far attaining the desired results. When patients life appears to be in no real danger as were those casesdestruction of inner ear should be avoided.
(4) Complete epithelization was attained in 96patiellts; continuous aural discharg was present in 2 patients; intermittant aural discharge in 2 patients.
(5) Fiftern patients were recipients of treat-ment with previous radical mastoidectomy; a complete healing was attained in the 14 among them (93%).
(6) The time consumed for complete epitheli-zation averaged 60 days.

Copyright © 1953, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.