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MORIKAWA devises a new method with which to conduct general anesthesia of the central nervous system. The method of anesthesia in vogue today, whether respiratory or intravenous, calls upon the blood vascular system for conveyance of anesthetic agents to nerve centers and, thereby, certain effects that might be produced upon the internal organs may be unavoidable. If, however, the anesthetic agent be conveyed by way of lymphatic system instead of the blood, these effects may be avoided. This path is found in the lymphatic system of the nasal mucous membranes which is directly connected to the meningeal space of the brain. Unlike the method that employs injections directly into the nerve centers or the ventricles which are necessarily accompnied with endangerment of life, the present method is free from deleterious effects. With animal experimentations a few anesthetic agents have been successfully applied but, further study on this subject is being conducted.

Copyright © 1953, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.