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有鈎条虫は豚を中間宿主とし,その体内で囊虫(Cysticercus cellulosae)となるが稀に豚以外に野豬・羊・馬・羚鹿・犬・猫・鼠・熊・猿及び人間が中間宿主となり,その体内で囊虫を形成する事がある。人間に来た場合をCisticercus cellulosae hominis,Cisticercosis,Finnenkrankheitと云い,本邦文献では当初は多く仮名書きでチスチツェルクス・ツェルローゼ・ホミニス又は単にチスチチェルクス・ツェルローゼと書かれ,邦名にして有鈎囊虫症・囊虫症,嚢尾虫症或いは之等に人体を冠したものが用いられ,又囊虫発生部位を冠して脳有鈎囊虫(合田),皮下嚢尾虫症(太田)等と記され,其他蜂窠織嚢尾虫(猪方)とも訳されている。
TAMURA reports a case of infestation of the tongus with cysticercus cellulose (larva of pork tapeworm). A woman, aged 37, complained of a small but painful swelling on the left side of tongue. The growth appeared benign in character. The diagnosis was made by microscopic examination of the affected tissue. As the present case originated in vicinity of Okayama the author, suspecting the possibility of occurrence of other cases similar in nature elsewhere in this country, calls for a timely attention to those who are in practice to be on guard for their early recognition.

Copyright © 1952, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.