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然し喉頭癌組織像と再發との間にどういう關係があるかを詳細に研究した文献は我が國には殆んど無く僅かに米國のGordon New and EleanorFletcherの1篇があるのみである.
IWAMOTO analyzes 97 specimens of larynjeal carcinoma which had been removed by operations and classifies them in accordance to Broder's Histological Grading of Malignancy. He further examines them in terms of the degree of submucous extention of the carcinomatous cells and the relation of this extent to postoperative recurrences.
The results are as follows: (1) No relation is found to be existing between the grade of malignancy and the age of the patient.
(2) The grade of malignancy in intrinsic cancers is found to be low, as well as their relative rate of recurrences postoperatively.
(3) Higher the grade of malignancy the greater it is found the rate at which the cervical lymph glands were to be displaced and the cancers in these stages are inclined to be more disposed to recurrences after the opera-tion.
(4) In general, it is found that the degree of submucous extention of the growths to be corresponding directly proportional to that of the grad of malignancy: and, the larger the extention the more disposed they be towards recurrence after the operation.

Copyright © 1951, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.