

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌

Published Date 1950/10/20
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1492200412

Iinuma says patients often complain of dis-agreeable foreign body sensations and to the extent of becoming highly neurotic, in some cases, when lingual tonsils are enlarged to come in contact with the epiglottis. Under similar circumstances the growths should be removed. Which brings the question directly in face to the choice in method of operation and of hemostasis particularly, where hemorrhage occtur most readily and in considerable amounts. Oper-ative methods suggested by the author are as follows: (1) A piece meal exterpation by use of "double curet"; (2) By use of Mile's lingual tonsil knife which requires a certain amount of practice for results; (3) Application of tonsil snares; (4) Snapping them off by use of long-handled scissors; (5) By grasping hold of tonsillar tissues with tonsil forceps and separate them away by sharp instruments. But hemorrhages in the latter procedure are profuse. The best means by which to stop hemorrhages would be application of ties to the bleeding point. Any tonsillar tissues that might be remaining after the operation may be effectively removed by means of irradiation with roentgen rays.

Copyright © 1950, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0386-9679 医学書院


