

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌

Published Date 1950/3/20
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1492200310

Tsuiki says tnat, in face of the fact that vertigo and other associsted symptoms in the so-called Meniere's Syndrone are readily relie-ved by establishment of labyrinthine fluids as it has been shown in rrevious reports, imme- diate cause for manifestation of symptom com-plex of this disdase might be reasonably assum-ed as to be found in the pressure increase of the intra-labyrinthine fluids. Although vertigo per se is generally coasidereb as an important symptom of labyrinthine disease and which of-ten serves as a lead to diagnosis, there are pos sibiIities of observing cases in which the disea-se may be manifested with symptoms of impa-ired hearing and tinnitus alone, without refere-nce to that of vertigo.

The case in site is a patient, a girl 19 years of age, a stndent, whose symptoms of tinnitus, resisting various modes of treatments previously applied, were finally cured by Poltma. The operation relief of intra-labyrinthine pressure patient complained of persistently severe tinn-itus of the left ear which interfered with hearing Iectures at school. Onset of the symptoms dated back three years to the time when the patient was exposed to an attack of suu-stroke, during compulsory student labor, with subsequent hyperbyrexia. The fever subsi-ded in about 4 days of duration after which ve-rtigo persisted to such an extent that maintaine-nce of standing posture was altogether impossi-ble.

Copyright © 1950, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0386-9679 医学書院


