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近年,頸動脈狭窄症に対してステント留置術(stenting)が頸動脈内膜剥離術(CEA)に並び行われるようになった.CEA, stentingの効果の優劣や選択基準は,まだ明らかではないが,合併症を伴ったhigh riskの症例の場合にはstentingを行うことが多くなっている4).しかし,stentingもCEAに比し安全な手技とはいえず,塞栓症や過灌流症候群(hyperperfusion)により,重篤な神経症状を後遺することも報告されており,適応の決定や周術期の管理に注意を要する点では,CEAと変わらないと指摘されている.
There is increasing evidence that stenting is a useful strategy for internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis in patients unfit for drastic surgery. However, it should be remembered that perioperative complications including seizure or in-tracerebral hemorrhage due to hyperperfusion are not so rare. The authors describe a case with severe ICA steno-sis, who successfully underwent stenting as a result of intensive medical care for postoperative hyperperfusion. A 77-year-old man with a recent history of angina pectoris and transient ischemic attack was referred to our hospital.

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