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Infectious disease is a common complication of mild hypothermia therapy. However, very little has beenreported about immune response during hypothermia. In the present study, the number and subset ofperipheral lymphocytes and mitogen response to phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) and concanavalin A (Con-A) were examined in 14 patients who received mild hypothermia therapy. NK cell ratio and activity werealso examined in the same patients. Six out of 14 patients had complicated infectious diseases during mildhypothermia therapy, Five of them had pneumonia and the remaining one had thrombophlebitis. The num-ber of peripheral lymphocytes decreased in patients whose rectal temperature was less than 34.5℃, where-as mitogen response of lymphocytes to PHA and Con-A remained unchanged in patients whose rectaltemperature was above 34.0℃. NK cell ratio and cytotoxicity decreased in patients whose rectal tempera-ture was less than 34.5℃, including infectious cases. These results suggested that, under hypothermia ther-apy, immune responses of the patients whose rectal temperature was less than 34.5℃ were disturbed be-cause of the reduced number of peripheral lymphocytes and depression of NK cell activity.

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