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こうした中で,multimediaの発達により,画像記録のデジタル化が急速に進んでいる.脳神経外科領域でも,すでに,MRI, CT scanなどの診断用画像はすでに完全にデジタル化されており,デジタル化は,手術記録にまで拡大しつつある1,4)しかし,こうした手術記録におけるデジタル化の意味と問題点が外科医の側から整理されたことはなく,現時点での評価は今後の展望の意味からも重要である.ただ,一般的な撮影条件下での検討は,あまり意味がないように思われる.特に,脳神経外科領域では,マクロの手術から手術顕微鏡を用いたマイクロの手術まで,光学的にも複雑かつ特殊な作業行程が多く,しかも,顕微鏡下での撮影は,後述するように極めて特殊な条件が重なり,理論的な方法のみでは,検討しにくい領域である.また,光量の少ない生体の深部の強拡大という光学的条件を実験的に構成することは困難であり,臨床での検討が必要である.今回,ハイビジョン,デジタルカメラ,デジタルビデオを中心とした手術の様々なデジタル記録の手法を試み,検討したのでこれを報告する.
The purpose of this study is to examine the image quality of multi-media for digital recording of surgicalprocedure using an operating microscope in neurosurgery. For video recording, high vision recording, digit-al video recording and analogue VHS recording were used. For still pictures, an analogue camera with35mm silver halide film and it micro-digital camera were used.
The quality of photographs taken with a microdigital camera was superior to the quality of those takenwith the conventional 35 mm film camera. The micro-digital camera system is superior to the conventional35 mm camera in neurosurgery in its quality and success rate. In video recording, high vision analogue re-cording was superior to any other media as far as its image quality is concerned although its practical con-venience is limited and cost performance is not always good. On the other hand, digital video can recordhigh quality images, including still pictures, with satisfactory quality to the neurosurgeon.
These digital recording media are also space saving for storing the huge amount of data obtained duringsurgery and the cost-performance is superior to that of the conventional method. In the near future, mostof surgical procedures are supposed to he expected using digital media.

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