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We report a case of transient cortical blindness and convulsions during embolization of the cerebellarAVM. A 29-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Cerebral angiogra-phy showed the right cerebellar AVM fed by the right superior cerebellar artery. Preoperative emboliza-tion of the AVM was performed. During embolization, the patient lost consciousness suddenly andappeared to be in a decerebrate posture. About 15 minutes later, the patient came around and complainedof total blindness. Cerebral angiography revealed the disappearance of the aneurysm and AVM. Therewere no abnormal findings in the vertebrobasilar system. Computed tomography obtained just after theprocedure, showed considerable contrast enhancement of the occipital lobes. Two hours later, a repeatcomputed tomography showed clearance of contrast enhancement. Magnetic resonance imaging obtained12 hours after the procedure, showed no evidence of infarction in the occipital lobes. Two days after, thepatient's sight gradually returned. Seven days after the procedure, the patient recovered completely. Wespeculated that these clinical features might be convulsions due to contrast material. In the reported cases,convulsions and transient cortical blindness clue to non-ionic low osmolar contrast materials is a rare com-plication. This case suggested disruption of the blood-brain barrier demonstrated by the computed tomo-graphy appearance of contrast enhancement in the occipital lobes.

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