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カルチノイドは,良性の経過をとることが多いとされているが,“potentially malignant”であり,多発性に転移したものの予後は不良である.今回われわれは,MRIで興味ある所見を呈し,剖検にて診断が確定したbronchial atypical carcinoidの1例を経験したのでここに報告する.
We reported a case of a 76-year-old male who suf-fered from gait disturbance. His first MR image showed multiple masses in the cerebellum and cere-brum. After 50Gy of whole brain irradiation the masses downsized, but, after 8 months the patient was read-mitted because of general convulsions. MRI on his second admission showed an enlargement of the multi-ple masses and reinforcement of the perifocal edema. One year after the onset, MRI revealed the unusual ap-pearance of multiple obscure-marginated cystic masses, intratumoral hemorrhage, and intraventricular hemor-rhage. Soon he died of complications from pneumonia. In the autopsy, a mass 4×5cm in size was found in the right lung and multiple metastatic foci were found in the CNS, small intestine, and lymph nodes. The case was diagnosed as bronchial atypical carcinoid with mul-tiple metastases.
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