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一般に頭蓋内硬膜内の類上皮腫epidermoid or epidermal cystの(CT像は,均等なlow densityが特徴とされてきた2,5,6,8-13,16,17,22,23).われわれは病理組織学的に類上皮腫であるのにdiffuse high density (EMI units +21ないし+49)を示した症例を経験した.このような類上皮腫は極めて稀であり,文献上CT所見の明らかな41例中4例をみるに過ぎない4,10).しかし少数ではあっても小脳橋角(以下CPAと略す)腫瘍のCTの鑑別上無視することはできない,特にplain CTでhigh densityを示す髄膜腫や,ある種の聴神経鞘腫22)との鑑別は重要である.しかも,本例は動揺視のなかでも特異な病態の1つである「一過性反復性動揺視」を示し,これを記録することに成功した.
The authors reported an epidermoid cyst with apparent diffuse high density measurung +21 to +49 EMI units in the right cerebellopontine angle with unusual symptom of the transient repetitive oscillopsia. The cystic fluid showed high protein concentration of 15mg%, and high attenuation value of +23 EMI units. The cystic wall contained thickened fibrous layers with hyaline degeneration, granulation tissue, calcification and ossification. The unusual high density of this epidermoid was thought to be mainly due to the cystic content with unusual high attenuation value secondary to high protein concentration.

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