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未破裂動脈瘤の外科治療については,その安全性を強調した積極的な報告が多い3,11,12,14,26).しかし,虚血性脳血管障害を伴なう症例では,術後合併症が多くみられることが指摘され,より慎重な手術適応の判断や手術操作が要求されている1,3,4,16,17,22,26).最近のmagnetic re—sonance angiographyの普及により19,21)頻度の低下が予測されるが,未破裂瘤のかなりの部分は,虚血性脳血管障害の精査を目的とした血管撮影で診断されることを考慮すると,このような症例での治療方針については詳細な検討が必要である.
A series of 44 cases is presented of patients who re-ceived surgical treatment for unruptured aneurysms in the anterior circulation, and which were associated with ischemic cerebrovascular disese (CVD). The age of pa-tients varied from 34 to 76 (mean 62.8) years old. The associated ischemic CVD was transient ischmic attack (TIA) in ten, minor completed stroke in 23, and major completed stroke in 11 cases.
Thirty five patients recovered fully. However, there were three deaths due to new cerebral infarction or de-layed intracranial hemorrhage within 30 days after surgery (mortality 6.8%). Transient morbidity occurred in four patients (9.1%), and permanent morbidity in two patients (4.5%). In six cases, new ischemic events occurred after the surgery. In contrast, all 40 patients whose unruptured aneurysms were not associated with CVD fully recovered from the surgery they underwent. The authors indicate three risk factors which might lead to complication; diabetes mellitus, aneurysms lo-cated in the middle cerebral artery, and those larger than 6mm in diameter. Another three life-threatening factors are; elderly patients (>65 year-old), male, aneurysms larger than 7mm in diameter. Direct surgery for unruptured aneurysms in ischemic CVD patients should be considered in cases free of risk factors indi-cated above.
Eight cases in this series had extracranial carotid artery stenosis on the same side as the aneurysm. Caro-tid endoarterectomy (CEA) was performed prior to aneurysmal clipping in six patients, and their postopera-tive courses were excellent. In two patients, clipping was performed prior to CEA, and transient morbidity occurred in one of them. These results suggest that management of cerebral blood flow in cases of ischemia of the brain may improve surgical prognosis of patients with ischemic CVD.
Copyright © 1994, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.