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悪性脳腫瘍に対する化学療法については,抗癌剤の癌細胞に対する感受性,腫瘍領域での分布なども臨床的効果を左右する因子であり,cisplatinについてもその中枢神経における分布が報告されている18,22).これらの分布以外に髄液への移行は,髄腔内播種を示す悪性腫瘍細胞に対しても,またcisplatin投与による痙攣発作18,24)などの中枢神経に対する副作用の観点からも重要であり,投与経路として静注法では,正常動物を用いた実験11)や,あるいは1例のglioblastoma1),neuroblastoma5)や再発ependymomaの小児例6),大量の放射線照射後のprimary germcell tumor9)などからの臨床報告があるが,まとまった臨床報告はない.またcisplatin7,14,17)やetoposide8,21)の動注経験が報告され,それぞれの副作用・安全性について論じられており,最近ではMadajewiczら16)のetoposideとcisplatinの併用動注の効果,toxicityについて報告されているが,やはり髄液への移行はまだ報告を見ない.今回私たちは現在施行している悪性神経膠腫に対するetoposideとcisplatin併用によるマイクロカテーテルを使用した超選択的動注療法19)の治療時における血清,髄液濃度を調べ,platinum(以下Ptと記す)の動態を調べるとともに転移性脳腫瘍におけるcisplatin療法での静注あるいは頸動脈動注例の髄液移行と比較検討した.
CSF and plasma platinum levels were examined in patients with malignant glioma after administration of etoposide and cisplatin each at doses of 60mg/m2 by 60-minute selective intraarterial infusion. These same factors were also examined in patients with metastatic brain tumors after administration of cisplatin at a doseof 60 or 100mg/m2 by 60-minute intracarotid or in-travenous infusion. Plasma and CSF samples taken through an Ommaya reservoir placed in the lateral ven-tricle or postoperative cavity were analyzed for plati-num content by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Plas-ma and CSF platinum levels were dose dependent. The overall plasma platinum curves were biphasic, with mean half-lives of 35 minutes and 56 hrs. The mean peak total CSF concentration was 10.0% of the peak total plasma platinum and 20.2% of the peak free plas-ma platinum in patients with malignant glioma. In pa-tients with a solid metastatic brain tumor, the mean peak total CSF concentration was 1.9% of the peak tot-al plasma platinum and 4.0% of the peak free plasma platinum after i.v. infusion. After intracarotid infusion, the mean peak total CSF concentration was 3.4% of the peak total plasma platinum and 7.0% for the peak freeplasma platinum. In patients with meningeal carcinoma-tosis, the mean peak CSF concentrations were 7.7% of the peak total plasma platinum and 13.7% of the peak free plasma platinum. The free to total platinum ratio in plasma decreased quickly and that in CSF increased and was maintained at the high levels of 80% for two hours or more. In patients with a solid metastatic brain tumor, the CDDP concentration in the CSF taken through an Ommaya reservoir placed in the postopera-tive cavity was much higher than that in the CSF taken through an Ommaya reservoir placed in the lateral ven-tricle for both intracarotid and intravenous infusions. In two patients with multiple miliary metastatic brain tumors, CDDP did not enter the CSF even after con-tinuous intracarotid infusion of 10 mg/day for 14 days.

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