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前交通動脈瘤に対する到達法は,昔からいくつかの方法が先人達によって行われてきたが,現在一般的に行われている手術法は,pterional approach9)interhemi—spheric approach6)の二つの方法である.両者とも利点,欠点がありどちらの方法が優れているかは一概には決めがたい問題である,成書にはそれぞれの利点欠点が個々に書かれているが,同一施設で両手術法の手術成績を比較検討したrelxortはわれわれが渉猟しえた範囲では見あたらなかった.そこで,われわれは過去5年問に当施設で経験した前交通動脈瘤症例に対するこれら二つの方法の手術成績を比較検討してみたので報告する.
From 1986 to 1990, 77 cases of ruptured anterior communicating artery (Aco) aneurysms have been operated on through an interhemispheric approach or a pterional approach.
In this study, we mainly investigated the following factors : surgical outcome, surgical complications, de-gree of evacuation of subarachnoid clot, and frequency of symptomatic vasospasm.
The difference of outcome between the two surgical groups was not statistically significant.
Each operating method had characteristic surgical complications. Pterional approach had a tendency to complicate premature rupture, sacrifice small vessels around the aneurysm, and to result in Korsakoff syn-drome and inadequate clipping. Interhemispheric approach was apt to complicate cerebral contusion, bi-lateral olfactory nerve injury and hemorrhagic infarc-tion clue to sacrifice of the bridging veins.
The pterional approach could evacuate more of the subarachnoid clot than could the interhemispheric approach, but there was no significant difference in fre-quency of symptomatic vasospasm depending on which method was used.
Copyright © 1992, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.