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Ganglion cystもしくはsynovial cystはsynovial tis—sueが存在するどの部位からでも発生する可能性を有してはいるが,一般的には手関節,肘関節等の四肢関節に生じ,脊椎関節(spinal facet joint)に発生することは極めて稀である.又,脊椎関節からの発生例もほとんどが下位腰椎からの発生例であり,頸椎レベルでの例は過去数例しか報告されていない.
Ganglion or synovial cyst typically occurs in periphe-ral joints and tendon sheaths such as elbow joint or wrist joint, but rarely in the spinal facet joint. From re-ported cases the most common site involved seems to be the lumbar facet joint. Only three cases of cervical ganglion or synovial cyst have so far been found in the literature.
A case of cervical ganglion cyst was reported. The patient was a 2-year-old boy who was found to have a tumor in the midline of the nape. He had no history of trauma. Neurological and physical examination revealed no abnormalities. On CT scan a round low dense lesion with clear margin was found in the nape. Enhanced CT scan showed ring-like enhancement. Magnetic reso. nance (MR) imaging showed a well defined lesion of high intensity on T1- and T2-weighted images. At op. eration, the lesion was found to form a cyst containing old hematoma, and the cyst wall seemed to be fixed to the cervical spinal facet joint. The tumor was histologi-cally diagnosed as ganglion cyst.

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