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I.はじめに 卵巣癌の中枢神経系への転移は比較的稀といわれてきたが,近年cisplatinを中心とする多剤併用療法の進歩に伴って卵巣癌の予後が改善されるに従い,その中枢神経系への転移の増加が報告されている.しかし卵巣癌脳転移が化学療法によって治療された報告は少ない1).最近われわれは小脳の転移性卵巣腺癌摘出後にcisplatinとetoposideによる併用化学療法を行い良好な結果を得た1例を経験したので文献的考察を加えて報告を行う.
A 54-year-old woman with cerebellar metastasis from ovarian adenocarcinoma was reported. Two years be-fore admission, she underwent 7 courses of CAP ther-apy (cisplatin, adriamycin, cyclophosphamide) for ova-rian cancer. On admission, no extracranial tumor was noticed. After the removal of a cerebellar tumor, she was treated by combination chemotherapy with cispla-tin and etoposicle. Her serum level of CA-125, which was still high after surgery, decreased to the normal level following chemotherapy. Chemotherapy was re-peated six times, and no recurrence was noticed 1 year after surgery. Combination chemotherapy with cisplatin and etoposide was considered effective in the treatment of intracranial metastasis from ovarian cancer.

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