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carotid-cavernous fistula(以下CCFと略す)は片側性眼球突出,結膜の充血浮腫.雑音を3主徴とすることで知られているが,稀には拡張した静脈の破裂により脳内血腫を生じることが報告されている8).今回著者らは,静脈圧上昇により静脈性梗塞を生じ,離脱型バルーンによる緊急塞栓術を施行し,良好な経過をたどった1症例を経験したので,文献的考察を加え報告する.
A rare case of hemorrhagic infarction associated with carotid-cavernous fistula is reported. The patient was a 74-year-old female. CT scan showed hemorrhagic infarction of the left superior temporal gyrus, irregular vascular enhancement of the bilateral front-temporal lobe, and dilatation of the cavernous sinus. Left carotid angiogram revealed a high-flow left-sided CCF, cross filling to the right cavernous sinus, and intracavernousaneurysm. Bilateral front-temporal cortical veins were visualized early in the arterial phase.

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