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特発性頸動脈海綿静脈洞瘻(carotid-cavernous sinus fistula,以下CCF)に対する治療は,近年の血管内治療の進歩により,飛躍的な発展がみられるようになった.しかしながら,すべての症例に経静脈的塞栓術をはじめとする血管内治療が可能というわけではなく,少ないながらも,手技的にカテーテル操作が困難な症例が存在すること,また塞栓術を行うことによって,血行動態の変化が起こり,かえって症状の急速な進行を来す症例もみられる.これらの症例に対して,なんらかの治療手段が望まれる.
Gamma knife radiosurgery was carried out for spontaneous CCF (carotid-cavernous sinus fistula) in 8 patients (1 male and 7 females), and its results were reported. The ages ranged from 48 to 74 years with a mean of 60.6 years. As initial treatment before radiosurgery, embolization was carried out except in one patient, and radiotherapy was used in two patients. Six patients were in the category of Barrow's type D, and two patients were in the category of Barrow's type B. As it contained the fistula, the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus was irradiated with 8-14.5Gy (mean 10.8Gy).

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