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・脳動静脈奇形(BAVM)の自然歴における脳出血年間発生率は未破裂例で約2.2%,破裂例で約4.5%程度とされる.また,出血の危険因子としてはAVMの存在部位(深部/テント下),流出静脈(単一の静脈流出,深部静脈流出のみ,静脈狭窄,流出静脈径 > 5 mm),動脈瘤合併などが挙げられている.
Brain arteriovenous malformations(BAVMs)are rare, but have a risk of serious intracranial hemorrhage in young adults. Endovascular treatment(EVT)has an important role in BAVM management with various purposes, including preoperative devascularization, volume reduction before stereotactic radiotherapy, curative embolization, and palliative embolization. In this article, the author reviews recent studies on EVT and relevant studies on BAVM management. Although no definitive evidences of utilizing EVT have been provided because of the various EVT outcomes depending upon various angioarchitectures, treatment goals, strategies, and physician's skills, EVT is certainly useful in selected cases. The role of EVT in BAVM management should be tailored to each patient while weighing the relative risks and benefits.

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