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Ⅰ はじめに
頭蓋内脳波(intracranial electroencephalography:iEEG)は,薬剤抵抗性難治性の焦点てんかん患者の術前評価で50年以上使用されている.近年本邦でも本格的に導入された定位的頭蓋内脳波(stereoelectroencephalography:SEEG)は,てんかん焦点・てんかん原性領域(epileptogenic zone:EZ)を含むてんかん発作に主に関与する脳内ネットワークを深部の大脳皮質(弁蓋部・島・内側面・底面など)を含めて評価する手法である.SEEGは,従来てんかん外科手術の適応となりにくかった複雑な症例(MRI陰性,いわゆるnon-lesional症例など)に対する有用性の点などから今後大幅に普及することが予想される.北米の主要なてんかんセンターでも,従来は硬膜下電極(subdural grid electrode:SDG)による術前評価が行われていたが,現在ではSEEGを主に使用する状況に変化しつつある.これは,症例によってはSEEGがEZをSDGより正確に同定し得ることによると考えられる.
Precise localization of the “epileptogenic zone(EZ)” is the goal of presurgical investigations in patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy. Intracranial electroencephalography recordings are required when noninvasive evaluation results are not consistent. Although subdural grid electrodes(SDG)have been widely used in Japan, stereoelectroencephalography(SEEG)has been recently introduced. The principle of SEEG is based on anatomo-electro-clinical correlations to investigate surgical hypotheses that are primarily driven by the analysis of seizure semiology as well as other noninvasive investigations. The most important element of the SEEG methodology is to formulate preimplantation electrode trajectories considering the anatomo-electro-clinical correlations of epileptic seizures. If the preimplantation hypotheses are insufficient or incorrect, SEEG recordings will not identify the EZ. A detailed analysis of seizure semiology with respect to anatomo-electro-clinical correlates, particularly including various deep structures, such as the insular, operculum, and cingulate cortex, forms the basis of the implantation strategy for SEEG. The strategy of implantation is not to map the lobes/lobules but the epileptic networks, which usually involve multiple lobes, indicating that the theory of SEEG is completely different from that of SDG. Herein, we introduce the basics of SEEG, especially presurgical evaluations, with a representative case presentation.

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