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・クリッピングはクリップ鉗子と吸引管を両手で連動させ,最後まで先端が視認できるような操作(blading technique)を目指す.
For safe and reliable cerebral aneurysm clipping, First of all, clean bloodless surgical field and stable and fine movements of micro scissors are necessary. The surgeon must use both hands and determine the best angle before retracting the brain.
One of the most basic and important things is that the tips of the clip should be kept continuously in sight until closing clips. We propose a “blading technique” for visualizing the tips of clip blades using a 3-dimensional applier clip manipulation, maintaining contact with the aneurysm while maintaining complementary movement of the suction device in the opposite hand. Before trying to detach the adhering vessels from the aneurysm, the surgeon should consider necessity. Clipping is frequently accomplished using various manipulation techniques with remaining adhesions. This article presents basic clipping and manipulation techniques.
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