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特発性低髄液圧症候群に対する治療は,「脳脊髄液減少症ガイドライン2007」では安静臥床と水分摂取での保存的治療が優先され,保存的治療で症状の改善が得られない場合に硬膜外自家血注入(epidural blood patch:EBP)が推奨されている7).しかし,EBPを複数回施行することが必要な症例や,複数回行っても脳幹の下垂が進行し,重篤化する症例が報告されている11,12).今回われわれは,ワルファリン内服中に発症し,ワルファリン拮抗後にEBPを行うことにより治療し得た重症低髄液圧症候群の1例を経験したので報告する.
We report a case of spontaneous intracranial hypotension successfully treated with repetitive epidural blood patch after warfarin reversal. A 75-year-old man presented with a 2-week history of headache. He was being treated with warfarin for atrial fibrillation. Neurological examination on admission showed mild disorientation. Prothrombin time-international normalized ratio(PT-INR)was elevated to 2.43. Initial magnetic resonance images of the brain demonstrated bilateral subdural hematomas, distortion of midbrain and diffuse pachymeningeal enhancement. Conservative treatments with bed rest and hydration were administered. On the third posthospital day, he became lethargic and emergently underwent epidural blood patch(EBP)at lumbar level. Consciousness disturbance improved immediately but reappeared 12 hours after the EBP. The second EBP was performed but consciousness level decreased again 12 hours later. The effect of warfarin was reversed by administration of vitamin K and fresh frozen plasma before the third EBP. After the procedure, he became alert. The findings of neurological examination did not change but a CT on day 12 revealed increase in volume of left-sided subdural hematoma. He underwent EBP and evacuation of hematoma. The neurological findings remained unchanged. A CT on the 17th posthospital day showed increase of right-sided subdural hematoma, and EBP and evacuation of hematoma were then performed. After the 5th EBP, the clinical course was uneventful.
Predictors for successful EBP are not fully clarified. In patients who undergo anticoagulation therapy, EBP may be ineffective and normalization of coagulability required.

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