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過長した茎状突起が内頚動脈やその周囲の交感神経叢を刺激することによって顔面や頚部の痛みを生じる過長茎状突起症(Eagle症候群)はよく知られた病態であり2),急性脳血管症候群(acute cerebrovascular syndrome:ACVS)を引き起こすことでも知られている10).一方,stylohyoid complexの一部である舌骨の機械的刺激によるACVS発症の認知度は極めて低く,報告例もほとんどない1,3-5,7-9,11-13,15,17).
Eagle syndrome is a well-known disease caused by elongation of the styloid process and/or calcification of the stylohyoid ligament, which interferes with adjacent anatomical structures, giving rise to acute cerebrovascular syndrome(ACVS)and/or pain. Although hyoid bone is also a stylohyoid complex, its association with ACVS is not well known. Thus, we investigated the anatomical relationship between the internal carotid artery(ICA)and the hyoid bone.
Between January 2014 and December 2015, three-dimensional computed tomographic angiography(3D-CTA)of the neck was performed for 218 patients. Of the patients, an abnormal anatomical relationship was noted in 10(4.6%)cases. In 5 cases, the ICA was entrapped by the hyoid bone. In 3 cases, the ICA was in contact with or adjusted to the hyoid bone. In 2 cases, the ICA was compressed by the hyoid bone, causing ACVS. In 7 cases, the position and course of the ICA were inward. In 4 of these cases, the hyoid bone was repositioned back to its normal location. Moreover, in 1 case, the course of the ICA was repositioned back to its normal location beside the hyoid bone.
The anatomical position of the hyoid bone may vary more than expected and can be a risk factor for ACVS. In particular, in cases of ACVS where the ICA has an inward course, the relationship between the ICA and the hyoid bone should be proactively examined.

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