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難治性複雑部分発作(いわゆる側頭葉てんかん)の手術に関する報告1-7,9)は多く,しかも手術成績が比較的良好なことより,近年わが国でも注目されるようになった.しかし,手術後も発作が消失せず再手術が行われた症例に関する報告はこれまでにない.われわれは,Mon—treal Neurological Institute(MNI)での脳神経外科において,複雑部分発作の診断で手術及び再手術を受けた症例を分析し,興味ある結果が得られたので報告する,
Of a series of 526 cases of surgically treated refrac-tory epilepsy, 387 cases were patients with complex partial seizures. Among 118 cases who had no improve-ment by the first operation, to prevent partial seizures, 20 patients underwent reoperation. Of the 20 patients, 12 (60%) were men. The mean age at the first opera-tion was 21.7 years. A retrospective analysis of clinical findings, successive EEG findings, psychological stu-dies, surgical findings and surgical treatment of these patients were made. Following the first operation, com-plex partial seizures reappeared within a mean period of 5.5 months.

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