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Meningeal gliomatosis(MG)は,悪性脳腫瘍の治療成績の向上による患者の生存期間の延長とともに,増加する傾向にあるが,その治療は非常に困難で,いまだに効果的な治療法は確立されていないといえる.このような予後不良な病態に対する治療法の研究に有用な実験モデルとして,吉田ら6)はMG modelを開発し,種々の利点を挙げている.
We tried to examine the growth pattern of meningeal gliomatosis (MG) by using an experimental MG model. C6 rat glioma cells (3 × 105/0.1 ml) were injected per-cutaneously into the cisterna magna of rats. Seven days after inoculation, the brains and spinal cords were re-moved and processed for morphological observation.
Light microscopic findings showed that numerous tumor cells had invaded the spinal cord parenchyma directly and/or via the Virchow-Robin spaces. In con-trast, a small amount of tumor cells had spread horizon-tally on the surface of the spinal cord.
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