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近年,CTの解像力の向上や診断技術の進歩から,三叉神経腫瘍は比較的早期に診断されるようになったが,一方では巨大に発育して著明な頭蓋外進展を示した症例も稀ながら報告されており,現在まで文献上で7例1, 5-7, 9)の報告がある.本邦では山田ら9)が頭蓋底を破壊して側頭下窩に達した1例を報告している.
A case of trigeminal neurinoma with marked ex-tracranial extension is reported with a review of the literature.
A 60-year-old female noticed numbness over the left side of the face during the proceeding 15 years. Two years prior to admission, she began to complain of itching and lancinating pain at the left lateral aspect of the nose. Neurologic examination on admission re-vealed diminished corneal reflex on the left side and hypesthesia in the distribution of the left trigeminal nerve. There was no weakness or atrophy of the ipsi-lateral masticatory muscles. The remaining cranial nerves and cerebellar functions were normal.

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