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三叉神経鞘腫trigeminal neurinomaは比較的稀な腫瘍であり,全頭蓋内腫瘍の0.1-0.3%1)を占める.1976年までに当科で経験した症例10例の臨床像については小松ら8)がすでに報告しており,当科での頻度は0.8%であった.一方,鞍上部くも膜のう腫suprasellar arach—noid cystはくも膜のう腫の10%15)を占め,五十数例の報告がある6)が,CT導入後その発見は増加しているといわれる.われわれは最近この両者が隣り合って合併していた症例を経験したので若干の考察を加え報告する.
A rare case of trigeminal neurinoma associated with suprasellar arachnoid cyst is reported.
A 49-year-old female had been suffering from char-acter change, memory disturbance and mild headache for three years prior to admission. On admission, there were bilateral choked disc and binasal lower quadrant anopsia. Visual acuity was 20/200 on the left side and 10/200 on the right side. Facial and auditory nerves were intact. Cerebellar sign was not present. In plain skull roentgenograms, there were destruction of the right apex of the pyramis. However, the internal audi-tory meatuses were normal.
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