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外頸動脈系の特発性あるいは先天性動静脈瘻(以下AVF)は非常に稀で文献的にも報告は少なく,動静脈奇形(AVM),angioma, aneurysmを除いた,いわゆるsimple AVFの報告は3例にすぎない4,5,7).一方,外傷性を含め従来外頸動脈系AVFに対してはもっぱら外科的処置がとられてきた.今回われわれは,detachableballoon catheterを用い,特発性小児頸部AVFの閉塞に成功した症例を経験したので若干の文献的考察を加え報告する.
Spontaneous arterio-venous fistula (AVF) of the ex-ternal carotid system is very rare. We successfully treated such a case by the detachable balloon method.
The patient, a 2-year-and-9-month-old female who has no history of trauma had a pulsating mass at her right retroauricular region six months after birth. On admission to our clinic she was neurologically free ex-cept the pulsating mass (2 × 3 cm) with bruit and thrill. Selective right external carotid angiography revealed a high-flow simple AVF from internal maxillary artery to jugular vein.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.