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I.はじめに 頭部外傷の際に,後頭骨から横静脈洞をわたり後頭蓋窩におよぶ線状骨折はよく見うけられるが,後頭蓋窩のみに限局した陥没骨折は,その周囲には豊富で強靱な筋肉層が存在していることなどにより,極めて稀なものと思われ,著者らの渉猟しえた範囲では,これまでわずかに今永ら3)の報告の中に1例をみるにすぎない.
Linear fractures through the occipital bone are common, whereas depressed fractures in the posterior cranial fossa are rare because the occipital bone is protected by the surrounding thick muscles.
The authors describe an unusual case of depressed fracture localized in the posterior cranial fossa as-sociated with the syndrome of acute central cervical spinal cord injury.
A 50-year-old female struck her face against the table and fell backward, while drunk, resulting in the bruise over the occipital region.

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