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線維性骨異形成fibrous dysplasia(以下FD)はLichtensteinが1938年に初めて報告しており,未熟な骨組織と線維性組織からなる非腫瘍性骨病変で小児に多く,顎,肋骨,大腿骨,脛骨などの長幹骨骨端部に好発すると言われている1,13).また,1つの骨に限局する単骨性(monostotic)と多数の骨に発生する多骨性(polyostotic)に区別される.その中で,脊椎,特に頸椎に発生するFDは比較的稀であり,さらに単骨性のものは報告上少なく,画像所見上巨細胞腫giant cell tumor等との鑑別が問題となり,診断的意義も含めて外科的に摘出術が必要となることが多い.
We report a rare cervical monostotic fibrous dysplasia with a large cyst in the C2 region in a 55-year-old man complaining of headache. MRI revealed an expanding bony tumor at the C2 spinous process. Gd-DTPA MRI showed slight enhancement around a cystic mass. We performed C2 laminectomy and removed the tumor. It was comprised of soft tissue in the C2 spinous process and right lamina and contained a large septated cyst filled with xanthochromic fluid. Histopathology confirmed fibrous dysplasia with typical woven bony trabeculae. His postoperative course was uneventful and outpatient follow-up detected no deficits.
Cervical fibrous dysplasia with a distinct cyst is a rare entity and few cases have been reported in the literature. Such cysts are considered to reflect a tumor regression process. Diagnosis based on MRI and CT study alone is difficult. We suggest that these lesions be surgically resected.

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