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悪性神経膠腫は外科手術のみでは根治し得ない悪性腫瘍である.合衆国のBrain Tumor Study Group(BTSG)の報告36)からも,悪性神経膠腫の手術のみによる症例のmedian survival time(MST)は17週と4ヵ月足らずである.
Cellular synchronization chemoradiotherapy was performed in 122 patients with glioblastoma and mali-gnant astrocytoma (GrⅢ) registered between April 1977 and August 1982. The study was a non-rando-mized clinical phase Ⅱ trial. The chemotherapeutic agents employed as synchronizers during the irradia-tion were VM26 (epipodophyllotoxin) and vincristine (VCR) as plant alkaloids and ACNU as a nitrosourea. Either VM26 or VCR was administered on D1, D2 and D3 at the dosage of 1 mg/kg (0.025 mg/kg-VCR) body weight. ACNU was administered on D2 and D3 at the dosage of 1 mg/kg body weight.

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