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disseminated histiocytosis Xの部分症として,中枢神経系を侵すhistiocytosis Xは決して稀なものではないが,視床下部に限局したhistiocytosis Xは非常に稀で,Tibbs et al.18)によればわずか9例の報告しかなく,またその鑑別も容易ではない.治療方針を決定する上でも早期の積極的なbiopsyが必要となってくるが,われわれは神経放射線学的,内分泌学的,組織学的な検索により比較的典型的な本症を経験したので,文献的考察を加えて報告する.
Histiocytosis X is a non-neoplastic disorder of un-known etiology characterized by a mass of pro-liferating histocytes, plasma cells and inflammatory cells forming a eranuloma within the reticuloendo-thelial elements of any organ system in the body. The three clinical syndromes of this condition, eosinophilic granuloma, Hand-Schüller-Christian disease and Letterer-Siwe disease were unified into a single noso-logical entity by Lichtenstein in 1953. The com-plication of the central nervous system is shown in the cerebrum, cerebellum, sella turcica, hypothalamus and so on.
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