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脳梗塞急性期の治療は,本疾患が人類における極めて重大な多発疾患にもかかわらずいまだ不十分で,特に重篤な症例では有効な手段が見いだされていないといっても過言ではない.これは,梗塞急性期における血行再開はさらに脳浮腫の増悪や出血性梗塞をひき起こし,組織障害を一層悪化させる点にあった1,5,6,34,36).一方,慢性期ではextra-intracranial arterial bypassやthrombo-endarterectomyが行われてはいるが,これらは主にTIAやRINDの症例に再発を予防するために行われているにすぎない4,38).
Ten cases were treated with systematic administration ofmannitol followed by the blood substitute, perfluoroche-micals, in the acute period of cerebral infarction in orderto suppress the development of infarction and progressivedeterioration. This chemotherapy was followed by re-constructive vascular surgery.
There were 8 cases of cerebral infarction and 2 othercases in which cerebral vascular occlusion occurred duringsurgery. Due to this treatment, there were no cases ofaggravated condition or death and at the time of follow-upexamination after 2 months, and 8 of the ten patientsreturned to productive lives.
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