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頭蓋内脂肪腫は稀な疾患であり,全脳腫瘍中約0.1%とされており,その約半数は脳梁脂肪腫である13,17,20).小脳橋角部脂肪腫は,極めて稀であり,現在まで24例の報告があるに過ぎない.小脳橋角部脂肪腫は他の頭蓋内脂肪腫と臨床症状また治療方針も異なるとされている2).われわれは最近,小脳橋角部脂肪腫の1例を経験したので,CT, MRIを中心とした神経放射線学的所見およびその治療について若干の文献的考察を加え報告する.
A surgical case of lipoma in the cerebellopontine angle in a 37-year-old man is reported. cerebellopontine angle lipomas are very rare lesions that differ from other intracranial lipomas in that they typically present slowly progressive focal symptoms indentical to those in other tumors of this location. The patient's chief complaints were left hearing disturbance and dizzy spells. Computed tomography showed a very low densi-ty lesion (-99.3 I lounsfield units) with no enhance-ment in the left cerebellopontine angle. Magnetic reso-mince imaging (0.15T) was subsequently performed.

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