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閉塞性脳血管障害例の脳脊髄液(CSF)循環動態を検討した報告は今までに少なく,しかもこれらに関する知見は主としてRadioisotope cisternography(RIC)を用いて得られてきた.一方Computed Tomography(CT)の導入,ならびに水溶性ヨード剤であるmetrizamideの開発により,Computed tomography cititernegraphy(CTC)が臨床的に応用されるようになり,その有用性が諸家により報告されている.
Cerebrospinal fluid flow dynamics of 15 patients with occlusive cerebrovascular diseases was studied using RI cisternography (RIC) and Metrizamide CT cisternography (CTC) and these methods were compared.
RIC demonstrated RI retention in 9 patients, which was noticed in all chronic stage patients (over one month after apopletic episode). Five patients had subarachnoid block in affected cerebral hemisphere. Ventricular reflux, however, was present in only one patient.

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