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Spontaneous extracranial vertebral arteriovenous malformation(Newton5))(以下S.E.V.-A.V.M.と略す)は,稀な疾患である.1950年Norman9)が乳児の本症を報告して以来,文献的に23例の報告を見るにすぎず,本邦ではいまだ報告をみない.またneurofibromatosisにmesodermalな発生奇形であるS.E.V.-A.V.M.の合併した報告は見当らない.著者らは,多発性胸椎髄膜瘤を伴うneurofibromatosisに,椎骨動脈を主な導入動脈とする頸部動静脈奇形を合併したきわめて稀な症例を経験した.本稿では,この症例を中心に,当疾患に文献的考察を加え,その成因および病態に若干の検討を加えて報告する.
Congenital extracranial vertebral arteriovenous malformation is a rare condition of which a number of the cases reports has been increasing in recent years. The first case of the congenital extracranial vertebral arteriovenous malformation was reported by Norman, et al., in 1950 and following this report 23 cases has been reported. However, no previous report dealt with any case of the congenital extracranial vertebral arteriovenous malformation associated with intrathoracic meningocele neurofibromatosis.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.