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最近,我々は臨床所見および摘出動脈瘤壁の病理組織所見からみて,リウマチ性心内膜炎に合併したと悪われる,左中大脳動脈のprecentral cerebral artery末梢に発生した細菌性脳動脈瘤の1例を経験した,本邦における最近の細菌性脳動脈瘤の報告例は,これまでに我々が集計しえた限りでは,自験例を含め9例であり,それらを含めて文献的考察を加えたい.
A case of intracranial mycotic aneurysm has been reported. The case was a 26-year-old female and was admitted to our hospital on November 11, 1975. She was semicomatous and showed right hemiplegia. On auscultation systolic murmur radiating from the mitral area to the left axilla was found. Left carotid angiogram showed a saccular aneurysm 5 mm in diameter, arising from peripheral portion of the precentral cerebral artery and accompanied by intracerebral hematoma. Emergency craniotomy was performed. A thin subdural hematoma, coated with pus, was found and microabcesses were seen to be scattered in the nearby subarachnoid space.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.