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下垂体腺腫が,トルコ鞍内にとどまらず鞍外に進展した場合,White and Warren17)により,その進展方向から次のごとく6分類されている.すなわち,①pharyngeal extension,②hypothalamic extension,③temPoral extension,④invasion of cavernous sinus,⑤posterior subtentorior extension,⑥frontal extensionである.ところで,これらの中には,まれならず遭遇するものから,過去にごく少数例が報告されているにすぎないものまで,それらの頻度は様々である.またこれら鞍外進展と,臨床的見地からの悪性度との関連も,論議の多いところである.
It is not common to have experienced the nasopharyngeal extension of pituitary adenomas. Recently we have experienced such a case.
A man, aged 18, height 168 cm, weight 66 kg, who admitted to the hospital with the complaints of headache, left nasal obstruction, loss of visual acuity and defect of his temporal fields. On examination of both fundi there was primary optic atrophy. At this time large tumor could be seen in the nasopharyngeal cavity. Plain X-ray showed that the pituitary fossa was definitely enlarged and that there was considerable destruction of the sella and the clivus.

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